La velocidad de crecimiento del número de artículos publicados supera la velocidad de la luz. Pero no hay que preocuparse por la transgresión de ninguna ley física. Esos artículos no transportan ninguna información. Subrahmanyan Chandrasekhar
Gribbin, John. "Companion to the Cosmos". Weidenfeld&Nicolson.1996. Un completo diccionario de términos. Está editado en español.
Guth Allan H. "The Inflationary Universe" 1997. VINTAGE. 1998. "El universo inflacionario". Debate 1999.
Kippenhahn, Rudolf. "Luz del confín del Universo". El universo y sus inicios". Biblioteca científica Salvat 1995.
Longair, M., "The Origins of the Universe", Cambridge UP, Cambridge, 1990. (Publicado además en Alianza Editorial "Los orígenes del Universo"?). Ver también Our Evolving Universe por el mismo autor.
Smoot, G. & Davidson, K. "Wrinkles in Time". Little, Brown, NY and London.1993. Publicado además en Plaza&Janes editores. 1994 como "arrugas en el tiempo".
Lawrence Krauss. "La quinta esencia". Alianza Editorial. Hay una actualización reciente
Lopez, Cayetano. "Universo sin fin". Taurus. 1999
Reeves, Hubert. "Ultimas noticias del cosmos". Alianza Universidad. 1996
Steven Weinberg. "Los tres primeros minutos del Universo". Alianza Editorial. "The First Three minutes"
Hubble, E. "The Realm of the Nebulae". Yale University Press. 1936
North, J.D. "The Measure of the Universe. A History of Modern Cosmology". Oxford University Press 1965. Dover 1990.
Smith, Robert W. "El universo en expansión". Alianza Universidad. 1993
Kolb, E.W. & Turner, M.S. The Early Universe. Addison-Wesley 1990.
Peebles, P.J., Principles of Physical Cosmology, Princeton UP, Princeton NJ, 1993
Weinberg, S. "Gravitation and Cosmology". Wiley. 1972
Textos de cursos en la red
Trodden & Carroll 2004 TASI lectures on Cosmology
Neil Wright 2000 undergraduate Stellar Systems and Cosmology course & Cosmology lecture notes 1999.
Watson, Gary Scott 2000. An Exposition on inflationary cosmology
Carroll, Sean M.1997. Lectures notes in General Relativity
Wendy L. Freedman. The Expansion Rate and Size of the Universe
Linde, Andrei. The Self-Reproducing Inflationary Universe. Actualización on-line del mismo artículo aparecido en Scientific American. November 1994
P. James E. Peebles, David N. Schramm, Edwin L. Turner and Richard G. Kron. The Evolution of the Universe.
Vera Rubin. Dark Matter in the Universe
Van den Bergh, Sidney. 2000. A short History of the missing mass and dark energy paradigms.
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Comentarios y reviews del estado de la cosmología.
Conceptos básicos
Constante cosmológica
Carrol, Press & Turner 1992. The cosmological constant.
Caroll, S. 2001. The Cosmological Constan, Living Rev. Relativity, 4, (2001).
Cohn, J.D. 1998. Living with lambda.
Kraus, L.M. 1997. The end of the age problem and the case for a cosmological constant revisited.
Weinberg, S. 1996. Theories of the cosmological constant.
Weinberg, S. 2000. The Cosmological Constant Problems.
Densidad del universo
Edad del universo
Chaboyer, B. 1998. La edad del universo.
Energía oscura y quintaesencia
Caldwell R. R., Dave R. & Steinhardt P. J. 1998. Cosmological Imprint of an Energy with general Eqution-of-State.
Carroll S. M. 2001. Dark Energy and the Preposterous Universe.
Gudmundsson E. H. & Björnsson G. 2001. Dark Energy and the Observable Universe
Maor I., Brustein R. & Steinhardt P. J. 2001. Limitations in Using Luminosity Distance to Determine the Equation of state of the Universe.
Peebles, P.J.E. & Ratra, B. 2002. The Cosmological Constant and Dark Energy.
de distancias
Beaulieu, J.P. & de Witt, W.J. 1998.The contribution of microlensing surveys to the distance scale.
Blakeslee, al. 1998. Distance from surface brightness fluctuations.
Bono, G. 2003. RR Lyrae Distance scale: Theory and observations.
Chaboyer, B. 1998. Globular Cluster distance determinations.
Jensen, J.B. et al. 2003. The extragalactic distance scale.
Walker, A.R. 1998. The distances of the Magellanic Clouds.
Estructuras a gran escala
Bahcall, N. A. 1999. Cosmology with Clusters of galaxies.
Ellis, R. 1998. The formation and evolution of galaxies.
Guzzo, L. 1999. Large Scale Structure at the turn of the Millenium.
Guzzo, L. 2001. Large Scale Structure and X-ray clusters of galaxies.
Guzzo, L. 2002. Recent Advances in Large Scale Structure and Galaxy Formation Studies.
Madau, P. 2002. Early Structure Formation and the Epoch of First Light
Peacock J.A. 2000. Clustering of mass and galaxies
Peebles, P.J.E. 1998. Issues for the next generation of galaxy surveys.
Peebles, P.J.E. 1999. Comments on the state of our subject
Pietronero, L & Labini, F.S. 2000. Fractal structures and the large scale distribution of galaxies.
Silk, Joseph. 1999. Seven paradigms in structure formation.
Futuro a largo plazo del universo: escatología cósmica
Adams F.C. & Laughlin G. 1997. A dying Universe: The Long Term Fate and Evolution of Astrophysical Objects.
Chiueh T. & He X-G. 2001. Future Island Universes in an Accelerating Background Universe
Dyson, F.J. 1979. Time without end: physics and biology in an open universe. Reviews of Modern Physics, Vol. 51, No. 3, pages 447-460
Freese, K & Kinney W.H 2002. The Ultimate Fate of Life in an Accelerating Universe
Gu Je-An & Hawang W-Y. P. 2001. The Fate of the Accelerating Universe
Huterer, Sarkman & troden 2002. Is the universe inflating?. Dark energy and the future of the universe
Loeb A. 2001. The Long-Term Future of Extragalactic Astronomy.
Krauss L.M. & Starkman 1999. Life, The Universe, and Nothing: Life and Deah in an Ever-Expanding Universe
Starobinski, A.A. 1999. Future and Origen of the Universe: Modern view
Albrecht, A. 2001. Cosmic Inflation
Guth, A.H. 2000. Inflation and Etenernal Inflation
Guth, A.H. 2000. Inflationary Models and Connections to Particle Physics
Liddle, A. R. 1999. Observational tests of Inflation
Liddle, A. R. 1999. An introduction to Cosmological Inflation.
Linde, A. 1996. Recent Progress in Inflationary Cosmology
Linde, A. 2001. Inflation and String Cosmology
Linde, A. 2001. Fast-Roll Inflation
Turner, M.S.1997. Ten things everyone should know about inflation.
Peebles, P.J.E. 1999. Inflation and traditions of research.
Lentes gravitatorias
Bernardeu, F. 1999. Gravitational lenses.
Mellier, Y. 1999. Cosmological applications of gravitational lensing.
Zhu Zong-Hong 2001. Gravitational lensing statistical properties in general FRW cosmolies with dark energy componet (s): analytic results
Materia oscura
Bergström L., 2000. Non Barionic Dark Matter: Observacional Evidence and Detection Methods.
Ellis, J. 1999. Particles and Cosmology: learning from cosmic rays.
Ellis, J. 2002. Dark 2002 and Beyond
Kahlil, S. & Muñoz C. 2001. The enigma of Dark Matter.
Silk, J. 2001. The Dark Side fo the Universe
Turner, M.S. 1999. Dark matter and energy in the Universe.
Turner, M.S. 1999. Dark matter, dark energy and physics.
Turner, M.S. 2002. Dark matter and dark energy: The Critical Questions.
Medidas de la constane de Hubble
Burles, S. et al. 1999. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis: linking inner space and outer space.
López, R. E. and Turner, M.S. 1998. An accurate calculation of the Big Bang prediction for the abundance of primordial helium.
Kurki-Suonio H. 2001. Big Bang Nucleosynthesis calculation
Steigman, G. 2000. Primordial nucleosintesis for the New Millenium.
Tytler, O'Meara, Suzuki & Lubin 2001. Review of Big Bang Nucleosynthesis and Primordial Abundances
Davis, M. 1996. Is the Univers homogeneus on large scale.
Guzzo, L. 1997. Is the Universe homogeneous (on large scales).
Lahav, O. 1998. How Smooth is the Universe on large scales?.
Lahav, O. 1999. Testing Homogeneity on large scales.
Wu, Lahav & Rees. 1998. The large scale smothness or the Universe.
Radiación cósmica de fondo
Birkinshaw, M. 1998. The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.
Bond J. R. & Grittenden R.G. 2001. CMB Analysis
Carlstrom, Holder & Reese 2002. Cosmology with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect.
Cooray Asantha 2002. After Acoustic Peaks, What's next in CMB?
Efstathiou G. 2000. CMB anisotropies and the determination of cosmological parameters
Ellis, J. 1999. Learning physics from Cosmic Microwave Background
Gawiser E. & Silk, J. 2000. The Cosmic Microwave Radiation (Review).
Hu, W. & Scott, D. 2001. Cosmic Microwave Background Anisotropies.
Lainglois David 2002. How Much will we learn from the CMB
Melchiorri A. 2002. Multiple Peaks in the CMB
Melchiorri A. 2002. CMB and Cosmological Parameters: Current Status and Prospects.
Miller, A.D. 2001. The CMB- Contemporary Measurements and Cosmology.
Rephaeli 2001. The Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect: current status and future prospects
Scott, D. 1999. Cosmic Glows.
Scott, D. 1999. New physics from the Cosmic Microwave Background.
Simulaciones de la distribución de galaxias
Frenk, C.S. 2002. Simulating the formation of cosmic structure.
Topología (geometría global) del universo
Roukema, B.F.2002. Observational Constraints on the Topology (Global Geometry) of the universe.
principal de Cosmología
Copyright 1997-2007 Pedro J. Hernández